Oh Glorious Jeweler's Miter Jig, File Me a Straight Edge! - JewelryDIYs
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Image of a Miter Jig for jewelry making

Oh Glorious Jeweler’s Miter Jig, File Me a Straight Edge!

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I have shaky hands. I have to brace my elbows when I solder and sometimes even hold one wrist with the other hand when soldering something really delicate. Don’t *even* talk to me about FILING. Whether it is sheet metal or tubing, I often cannot get a straight/level edge, and I’ve had hours and hours of practice. Enter the Miter Jig.

A miter jig is essentially a vise (that word does not do it justice!) that holds/secures metal sheet, tubing, wire, bezel wire, etc. You can use it to file or saw a perfectly flat edge. It has small notches which will secure tubing and wire, allowing you to get a precise angle on your piece. I can’t remember who I saw using one of these miracle tools, but I was hooked!

Below are learning resources plus a few vendors that sell the jigs. I purchased my French manufactured jig from Rio Grande (see below). It’s pricey (twice as much now as when I purchased mine!), but I believe worth it if you spend a lot of time fabricating. If possible, try a friend’s jig first to see if it’s worth it for your purposes. I have no experience with less expensive models but have included a few below if you’d like to shop around.

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Tonya Miller
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